Season of Justice & Peace
The Sundays from June 19 (Juneteenth) and July 4 are observed at DaySpring as the Season of Justice & Peace. Sparked as a response to racially-laden violence across the nation in the spring and summer of 2020, this season calls us:
to remember the history of chattel slavery in the US and the long arc of racial discrimination and prejudice in our community and beyond;
to lament the brokenness and divisions that still plague our society and are particularly opposed to the message of the Gospel;
to celebrate God’s good news of freedom for captives and liberation for the oppressed which invites us all
to recommit to participate in God’s beloved community in witness to the world.
The Israel S. Campbell Scholarship Fund
DaySpringers are invited to participate in contributing to the Israel S. Campbell Scholarship Fund, a new initiative of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Texas to provide scholarships for seminary students of color in CBF churches and in churches that CBF closely partners within mission and ministry.

Rev. Israel S. Campbell (1815-1898) who is the "Father of Black Texas Baptists". Born as a slave, Campbell became a Christian in 1836 and a year later started preaching. Eventually, he escaped to Canada and would later return to the USA. In 1866, he was sent by Ohio Baptists as a missionary to freed Blacks in Texas. In 1867, he helped to found in Galveston the first free Black Baptist Church in Texas, which is known today as Ave. L Baptist Church. He was a strong advocate for education for Blacks.
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