Families & Children
Our mission is to nurture children toward growing faith in Jesus Christ.
At DaySpring, we teach children to receive and respond to God's immense love for each of them and all the world. As they learn to pray, respond to scripture and play games, children are encouraged to participate in practices of the faith and in life of the church.

Spiritual Formation Classes
Sundays, 9:45 a.m.
We offer spiritual formation classes for children, from birth through 6th grade, every Sunday. Members serve as teachers and share Bible lessons, teach spiritual practices and develop relationships with children and families. We encourage children to learn about the liturgical rhythms of the church year to help develop an appreciation for the history and theology of the Church.
To stay up to date with class information, subscribe to the Children and Families Newsletter here.

Worship Service at 11 AM
During the 11 AM church service, childcare staff and lay members provide a caring atmosphere for babies through preschool children (age 5). All adults who work with children have received training and have completed a background check.
The older children are invited to participate in the church service with their families. The Sunday morning service often includes a short children’s sermon. To guide their worship experience, children’s bulletins are available for them near the entrance.
Intergenerational participation in worship has always been an important part of DaySpring. Older children alongside the youth chime the hour and collect the offering each Sunday.
Children are invited to participate in special events during the summer which often include Vacation Bible School, Kids on Mission and Passport Camp.