Church Membership

Membership is a joyful and sacred act of commitment to a congregation of fellow travelers
on the journey of following Christ.
Church members are believers in Jesus Christ who embrace the act of commitment to
the church and are ready to participate in the life of the church.
At DaySpring members join in one of three ways:
A Profession of Faith is for people who are becoming Christians or for those who have come to faith in Christ recently. We celebrate baptism by immersion for new Christians.
If you are currently a member of another congregation, a transfer of membership moves your membership to DaySpring.
If you are already a Christian but don't have an active church membership in another congregation, you can join by statement of faith. It's like saying: "I've been a Christian and have been baptized, but I don't know where my church membership is,” or “It's been a long time since I’ve been a member of a congregation and I’m ready to start over."
A Note on Baptism and Membership:
We love baptism stories, both those we create together and those we get to hear about. We celebrate baptism by immersion for new Christian faith. This practice is in accord with the witness of scripture and our Baptist heritage.
As part of the global-ecumenical Church, we welcome Christian baptisms of other forms (infant baptism, sprinkling, eg) for those who have previously been baptized. For example, if you were baptized as an infant, and that act is meaningful for your expression and understanding of your faith formation, we wholeheartedly acknowledge your baptism as meaningful expression of your faith and do not require baptism by immersion. Some people choose to be baptized by immersion anyway, but this is always a good place for a conversation and for prayerful discernment.
When you are ready to start the membership process, please speak with a pastor or complete the membership form. A pastor will reach out to you with an invitation to meet. He or she will be eager to hear about your journey of faith and how God’s Spirit is leading you toward DaySpring. We’ll talk through any questions you have about being part of the DaySpring community.
Membership is sealed by presentation of new members at the conclusion of a worship service in the presence of the congregation who affirm, “Thanks be to God!”
The membership form will give us the information we need to start you on your way to membership.
If you are not yet ready to join but have questions about membership or would just like to talk with someone, please email us.