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Shalom and the Community of Creation
A study in the book by Randy Woodley
Lead by Chase Jensen
2021 Easter Formation
Join us as we continue exploring how we might understand creation - and how to live well in it - by learning from a respected teacher on the subject. Dr. Randy Woodley is distinguished associate professor of faith and culture and director of indigenous and intercultural studies at George Fox Seminary. A Keetoowah Cherokee, he has ministered among First Nations people for over twenty-five years and is the cofounder of Eagle’s Wings Ministry. We will engage Dr. Woodley’s writing and also consider the ways we have been taught to relate with creation.
Class welcome, Introduction
Chapters 1-2
Chapters 3-4
May 2
Chapters 5
May 9
Chapter 6
May 16
Chapter 7
May 23
Chapter 8
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