Thanksgiving Baskets

DaySpring's relationship with Greater Ebenezer Baptist Church began many years ago after sharing in service projects, picnics, and even vacation bible school activities. At the time, they had a neighborhood around their congregation, and we did not. We approached them and offered a hand of encouragement, and asked, "Is there any way in which our congregation can support and encourage you as you minister to the community?" They excitedly welcomed us to join them in their Thanksgiving Basket ministry, and a long-lasting partnership emerged.
This year's basket assembly and delivery will be November 24-25.
Below, you can sign up to contribute to a basket, contribute to our turkey fund to help provide extra turkeys for the baskets, and sign up to deliver a basket on Monday, November 25. Your presence will be a huge encouragement for them. Thank you for your support.
If you are not part of a group, anyone can contribute to the OPEN bags.
Sign Up
Find your group below and click the button to sign up.
Bag #3 - K - 3rd Grade Classes
Bag #4 - 4th - 6th Grade Classes
Bag #5 - Choir
Bag #6 - Men's Bible Study
Bag #7 - Women's Bible Study
Bag #10 - Scheetz Gathered Table / OPEN
Bag #13 - Tucker/Burton Group / OPEN
Bag #14 - Kelley/Davidson Gathered Table
Bag #15 - Sunday Morning Adult Spiritual Formation class / OPEN
Select "Thanksgiving Baskets" to donate money to purchase turkeys and hams.
Sign up to meet at Greater Ebenezer to deliver baskets on November 25 at 9am.