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Current Needs and Important Announcements


We are about to begin our 3rd year of Ministry at Naomi House!  What a blessing - and we couldn't have done it without your hearts, your hands, and your prayers.  Thank you!  We look forward to your serving with us in the new year!

Join us in the DaySpring chapel on Wednesday, August 7, 6:00-6:30, for a time of prayer for our new residents and for the upcoming year.  Watch for details about Noches de Cancion (Nights of Singing) to be scheduled throughout the fall.

We will have a workday on Saturday, August 17, from 9:00-1:00, to give the house a good cleaning and prepare the rooms and property for new families.  We will have lots of hands-on tasks inside and outside, so we hope many of you can come.  Watch the DaySpring newsletter for more details.

As we prepare for new families to join us soon (date TBD), we want you to be aware of some changes in our structure.

First, we have hired Norma Torres as the manager of Naomi House.  She has already made such a positive impact.  Norma will not live in the house but will have regular contact and meetings with the women to help them navigate the many adjustments ahead.

For the upcoming months, we will need volunteers in several areas, but some are new or different ways to serve.  Please read and consider how you might be involved.

1.  Children's Bible Club - This involves English and Spanish speakers and helpers who meet with the mothers and their children to read Bible stories and participate in related activities.  The Club meets one evening each week for only one hour.  Please contact Tiffani if you can help.  

2.  Our Welcome Team will be led by Tish Tucker and Hannah Tucker.  They will be busy preparing welcome bags for the new arrivals.  They can use several helpers for a short time.  If you can help with this, please contact Tish.

3.  The English Hours we started in the spring were helpful and enjoyable.  The residents will be taking English classes in the community, but the English Hours provide a friendly atmosphere for them to practice their English skills with English speakers.  We will meet on Sunday afternoons from 3:00-4:00 and Monday mornings from 10:00-11:00.  Please contact me if you'd like to meet with us regularly or just occasionally!  

4.  Transportation Needs - Our house manager, Norma, will be helping the women learn to use the Waco Transit system which will help them become more independent.  We would like to have a driver available one day a week to take the residents to places the transit system does not serve.  If you can be available Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, please let me know

5.  Clothing - We will give our residents vouchers for clothes, so we will NOT be collecting clothing.  If you have clothes to donate, please consider The Clothesline, run by Mission Waco.  This will be one of our resources for vouchers.

6.  Extending Hospitality - We would like a few families who will extend hospitality and open their homes to our residents.  This could be a walk in the neighborhood, a picnic in the park, a meal at your home, etc.  We know how much friendships can mean to adapting to a new place and a new life. Contact me if this sounds like a gift you can share.

Thank you, again, for your support of this ministry and the families who come to call the Naomi House home for a while.  Please let me know if you would like to serve in one of these areas or if you have questions.  Be in prayer as the leadership discerns God's guidance in finding the women and children who we will soon welcome home to the Naomi House.

With appreciation,

Jo Anne Beaty

Volunteer Coordinator


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