April 12, 2024
Dear DaySpringers,
We are well into our Giving Back, Building Forward Campaign, and I've heard from some of you that you are ready to make your commitment. You will have that chance this Sunday, April 14, at the Advance Commitment Showcase which will highlight DaySpring's incredible talent on the stage and in the kitchen. The evening will be an opportunity for all who are interested in leading the campaign to be among the first to make their commitment.
Below is a copy of the pledge card that will be distributed at the Advance Commitment Showcase on Sunday night as well as on Commitment Sunday, May 5. There are multiple ways to give to the campaign: non-cash gifts (stocks, bonds, etc.) and weekly, monthly, or annual donations over a three-year period. If you want to be among the advance commitment group you will be able to leave your pledge on Sunday night, mail it to the church, or put it in the offering plate on April 21.
We will announce the total of the advance commitment pledges during worship on April 28 in anticipation of the wider congregation turning in pledges on May 5. Thank you for praying and considering what God would have you do during this time at DaySpring. What a great response we’ve had so far! The net total donations to the building fund are $434,578 and growing.
My hope is you and your family have prayed and considered what God would have you do. Below are resources and ways to participate leading up to Commitment Sunday on May 5.
As Burt said on Sunday, "God will use what we give him."
Becky Kueck
Campaign Chair
“Sacred and Simple” is what drew us to DaySpring nine years ago, and little did we know what a gift God had in store for us. We immediately resonated with the worship style—the times of quiet reflection, the hymns, the choir, and the involvement of whole families in the services. We soon felt a real sense of community—beginning with a warm first-visit welcome and an early inclusion into a Life Group (Joyce Franklin), opportunities to share meals together, and the Chart-- people doing the work of the church together. Participation in community outreach, such as Ridgecrest, The Gospel Café, and the Naomi House helps us to grow and are more examples of DaySpringers serving together. We have grown to appreciate the lectionary, the church calendar, and the beauty of the sanctuary being decorated for those special church calendar events. We have been challenged to dig deeper into theology and to include the recognition of mystery, which has led to spiritual growth. Lastly, DaySpring has brought us many wonderful relationships that continue to enrich our lives.
David Claus
Our team has composed a prayer guide with prompts for daily prayer. You are encouraged to spend time in prayer this month with each of these daily prompts.
Adults are meeting together in the sanctuary for a series that gives voice to the spiritual foundation of the capital campaign we're undertaking together and the spirituality of our relationship with finances. Thanks to Steve King for leading in adult spiritual formation on Sunday. Amy Toney will lead this week, with discussions led by Jenn Giles Kemper. Youth are following the same format in the youth room. Children are learning what stewardship is and how to be generous followers of Jesus. We encourage our whole church family to participate in our formation series during April.
Upcoming campaign dates:
April 14
Advance Commitment Showcase
April 14-April 21
Advance Commitment period
April 21
Final Day for Advance Commitments
April 23
Pledge cards mailed to all households
April 28
Announcement of advance commitment total
May 5
Turn in pledge cards
Celebration Brunch and Worship with the Purple Hulls
May 12
Announcement of total commitment pledge
June 2
Three-year giving period begins