The Shape of Worship

The Church at Worship
The bell chimes and as the noise of greetings settles, the community comes to silent reverence. Worship has begun and you are welcome here.
DaySpring is a contemplative congregation. This means that our worship is aimed at the heart—the heartbroken, the empty heart, and the heart full of love for God. We approach the hour of worship as a continuous prayer taking shape in different ways: spoken word, scripture, music, silence, sermon, blessings, and communion. From beginning to end, we are a people at prayer. This is not a performance; it is a communal prayer, and we all are a part of giving God glory.
The Kingdom of God re-orders everything, even (perhaps especially) the way we view time. Rather than being first ordered by a calendar, the Christian year is ordered by a Story, God’s story in Jesus Christ (the gospel). The Christian Year follows this yearly cycle, as we live into Jesus’ story of hope and redemption. The Year begins with Advent, then Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time (the longest of the seasons). Among other good things, we have found that following the Church Year helps us teach our children about the faith.
Scripture is read each Sunday in worship, usually following the three-year cycle of Sunday Lectionary readings, which follow the Church Year. Feel free to follow along in a Bible or just listen. Sometimes we read scripture with Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading), which means we’ll read the scripture several times with pauses for silent prayer between each reading. Also listen for the Psalms, the prayerbook of the Bible. The psalms teach us to pray.
Like most Baptist churches,
we are a singing people! Everyone is encouraged to jump in and sing, even if you are not a talented musician. This isn’t a performance, so no worries. Songs are from the hymnal or printed in your worship guide. Just listen for the melody and join in singing as you’re comfortable. Most short choruses are to be repeated a few times, so once you’ve got the hang of it, you may want to close your eyes and sing as a prayer.

Communion is a high, holy part of the service. Everyone who confesses faith in Jesus Christ is invited to partake. During communion, we are invited to come forward by rows from front to back. We move to the center aisle and then to one of the servers at the front. You will be handed a small piece of bread, “The Body of Christ broken for you” and then invited to dip the bread in the wine (actually it’s grape juice), “The Blood of Christ shed for you.” You then eat the bread and move toward the side aisles. Most Sundays a minister will be available on the side for prayer. Ministers also say blessings on children who come with their families.
Baptism is the initiation rite for Christian faith. By baptism we publicly profess our faith in Christ and witness to his saving death and resurrection. DaySpring practices baptism by immersion for those who are new to their Christian faith. We welcome other expressions of baptism for Christians from other traditions. Please speak with a minister to discuss your faith and your baptism.

In Christian worship, the sermon is the proclamation of God’s Word. Usually a lesson from the day’s Scripture readings invites us to reflect on our own lives and our faith in God in Christ. Usually our pastor delivers the sermon though regularly other members of the congregation will preach for us.
Our ministers would be very pleased to visit with you about faith, communion, or anything else you wish. We are honored you are present with us in worship and hope this time refreshes your spirit, enlivens your faith, and helps you know you are beloved by God.
Music helps lift our hearts in song to the Lord, and it is our hope that during this season, the music on our website will assist you in your daily practice of worship. Many of the choruses on this page are unique to DaySpring, some we regularly sing ,and some are written by church members.
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All music reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A735220. All rights reserved.